
With extensive experience of complex legal and media environments, we are fully committed in the representation of your interests. Whatever the circumstances.

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Nicolas Capt copublie un ouvrage intitulé "Conscience, es-tu là?"


Le Cabinet est fier d’annoncer la parution le 11 mai 2024, aux Editions InFolio, d’un ouvrage copublié par Nicolas Capt, associé fondateur, intitulé « Conscience, es-tu là ».


Valentine Bagnoud co-publishes a book on women's criminal defense


The Firm is proud to announce the publication on May 11, 2023, by Editions Favre, of a book co-published by Valentine Bagnoud, partner of the Firm, and Deborah Hondius, entitled "Paroles d'avocates - Récits d'affaires et témoignages".