The News


Nicolas Capt copublie un ouvrage intitulé "Conscience, es-tu là?"


Le Cabinet est fier d’annoncer la parution le 11 mai 2024, aux Editions InFolio, d’un ouvrage copublié par Nicolas Capt, associé fondateur, intitulé « Conscience, es-tu là ».


Valentine Bagnoud co-publishes a book on women's criminal defense


The Firm is proud to announce the publication on May 11, 2023, by Editions Favre, of a book co-published by Valentine Bagnoud, partner of the Firm, and Deborah Hondius, entitled "Paroles d'avocates - Récits d'affaires et témoignages".


Nicolas Capt lectures in the Communication Management DAS


In addition to his activities as a trainer at the Centre de formation au journalisme et aux médias (CFJM), Nicolas Capt is now also an external lecturer for the DAS in communication management program offered by the Haute école de gestion of Fribo


Claire Dornier joins Quinze Cours des Bastions as an associate


The firm is pleased to announce the arrival of Claire Dornier, formerly a lawyer and then a trainee lawyer at Quinze Cours des Bastions, as an associate.

Crédits © Federal – Régis Golay


Maryam Meylan wins 1st prize in the International Human Rights Competition in Caen


The firm is proud to announce that Maryam Meylan, trainee lawyer at Quinze Cours des Bastions, won the prestigious Memorial and City of Caen Prize (1st prize winner) and the Public Prize on March 12, 2023 for her plea on Iranian women's rights dur


Valentine Bagnoud joins the firm as a partner


The firm is pleased to announce the arrival of Valentine Bagnoud as a partner.